Saturday, May 21, 2011


For the past weeks, I've been thinking of a concept, a theme that I can use for a seminar that our organization will be bidding for at the end of this month. And since our topic is about Risk Management which has something to do with the Financial Crisis, I kinda tried to think of something which I can use as an analogy of what had happened before during the said crisis. And that's when "Tsunami" came in to the picture. I remembered the time when Japan was hit by the great tsunami, the image of the waves passing through the buildings and crushing them all down. I thought that it would be a great idea to use it to depict the effect of the Financial Crisis to the Business World. Though not everyone really liked the idea, I mean, no one did (due to certain justifiable, objective reasons which I totally understand :D), still, the word "Tsunami" left something in my mind, beyond what was supposedly just a theme or a concept of a certain formal seminar.

I remembered, just now, the time when I was (and I know I still am) in need of great stability due to the pressures and influences of all that's moving around me. For years I thought I've been a sturdy building readily founded for strong earthquakes. Well, I am, for earthquakes. Little did I know that there's something else that can hurt more. Something worse than what I thought was the worst. All of a sudden, the building which was supposed to represent the Business World became me. And the gigantic waves which was the Financial Crisis became the worldly culture and influences. Now I'm not seeing the Financial Crisis passing through and crushing down the Business World, but me striving and shaking and almost falling down against the waves of pressures and issues and confusions and indecisiveness and temptations. Many times did that Building think of just letting the waves carry him. After all, the waves looked beautiful and pleasant, but still, it came to destroy. Piece by piece it has started to ruin the Building's facade -windows broken, doors crushed. Its posts, all the cement, all was already washed away. Yet, while the waves deteriorate the Building, slowly the Building's core is being revealed - made of steel and diamonds. The very reason why the building is still standing.

So, therefore, the Tsunami may have made it appear as if I'm deteriorating and slowly being ruined, but what it doesn't know is that as its waves crack my walls, and break my windows and glasses into pieces, it only clears all my impurities and make my Perfect Core stand out. Yes, the Building, me, is shaky. But my Core, the Perfect Building within, makes me a better one.

"Yes, you are still shaky Christian. Clear you thoughts and don't let the pressures and temptations get in. And even if you fall, never worry and just simply smile. He'll never get tired of catching and carrying you... Keep the fire burning Christian..."