Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Manuel, 2013 (Born to Conquer)

Remembering the entire year, each and every moments created, gives me shivers not because I had a perfect year full of flawless, awesome experiences, but because I can't even comprehend how such a challenging year had passed leaving me a victor and a better person facing the years ahead. 

2013 was full extremes. Extreme happiness, frustrations, loneliness, awe, blessings, hurts, incompleteness, happiness. It was the year of CHOICES, and when I say choices, it included mostly incorrect ones. Yet, it only highlighted how unconditional His love is. I made intentional wrong turns trying to keep myself from the regrets of not taking opportunities. And yes, it brought a lot of wrong emotions, wrong perspectives, wrong direction. But His love is so powerful that He used these to show me that He cares for me, and that nothing in the world can ever stop Him from making me experience all the good things He has for me. I came to a point when I even neglected the plans He set, and tried doing things my way, yet He never got tired of gently touching my shoulders to guide my blinded movements. And now, though there are lots of things that I wish I didn't do, or at least I could've done better, here He is still cheering loud for me, shouting, "No worries son! You can do it! C'mon, don't give up, I'm just here all the way! Don't worry about the negatives! Let me take care of them. Go and take all the great things I have for you!". He, despite of all my selfishness, brought me to places, had me experiences all amazing travels, meet a lot of new friends, and made me feel favored physically, financially, socially. And so, this year might have been darker than the others, still I see it as a fountain of more opportunities to be better and more equipped and more powerful for the coming year. I may not have seen all the beauty and left me less appreciative at certain points, but I say this is one of the most fruitful and most beautiful thus far. And I know there is no stopping for 2014! Greater things are expected to come, and even greater are the surprises that I know He'll unfold as the coming year progresses. I say WISDOM is going to take over -- HIS WISDOM. More LOVE is going to be manifested, more GRACE and FAVOR not only to me but to all the people around me through me. His dominance will never be questioned in my life, and no evil is going to change the fact that I AM HIS SON -- THE SON OF THE MOST POWERFUL. I declare a wider mind and a wider heart to comprehend all His will. Greater things. Unimaginable things. It is not going to be my works, but His power being manifested in and through me. And so, I welcome 2014 with the biggest smile and a loud roar, "BRING IT ON! I AM BORN TO CONQUER THE YEAR!". Amen!

"You don't see it, but you are getting closer and closer to where you should be. Just keep the faith and know that you are untouchable, indestructible. Go and conquer the year, Christian!"