Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Morning (updated)

"When Wisdom is needed, you just have to relax and open your eyes. You'll be amazed that what you're looking for is just right in front of your face."

Something to think about while eating alone, or while riding a jeep on your way somewhere, or perhaps while staring at nowhere.

Romans 12:3-8

For those who wonder what their role really is in a society as big as what we do have (like me), this is worth meditating on.

I've been kinda having this feeling that I'm not really playing an important role in every societies and circles that I'm in. I mean, like, even if I vanish away, they won't really notice, simply because there's a lot of other people who can do a lot, as in A LOT better than I do. And it made me struggle to look for and try things that I feel would give me a sense of self-importance, like a better role (pushing myself to take a difficult degree, looking for a good job, trying to earn a lot, trying to look good all the time, etc.), or look for another circle where I think I would fit in (struggling to find a relationship, trying to get into other social networks, simply containing myself in a box, etc.). At the end of the day, it just left me bothered, worried, and restless. Little did I notice that I do actually have an important role that I have already been playing. This morning before I went to bed again, I opened the Bible app on my phone and that verse came out. I read it of course, and made me realize that, the role that I have to play has something to do with the talents and gifts and things that I'm capable of doing, and those things that I really enjoy. For example, all this time I've been learning and enjoying public speaking; I was engaged to student leadership; for the last 4 years I've been exposed to different cultures and sets of people in different places; I do enjoy psychology (well, not the memorization part, but the part where you analyze the mind and behavior of people); I haven't really had a perfect chance to get into any relationships yet. With all that, it made me think that I may not really be to become a great student leader (I aimed to become the president of an organization so badly, but didn't happen), or become a good lover yet (just met someone, but it just won't work its way to getting there), or becoming a good student, or maybe becoming someone I think is really cool in front of everyone (have been trying to impress and please everyone, but ended up being disappointed). Maybe my role really is, just becoming a friend -- to my family, to my friends, to my work and schoolmates, and to all that I'm yet to meet. Maybe I am to pursue the role to provide moral support and guidance to people. That maybe is the reason why I learned the things that I know, like cultural diversity - to know more of how different people think, a bit of psychology - to connect it with their behaviors and tendencies, public speaking - to be able to send the message properly to people, the Gospel - to know what to say and what principles to share, leadership - to know how to guide them. Maybe my role really isn't the kind where all people will see me do great things, but merely doing important stuff at the background. Not my kind of stuff really (because I know I'm the "pasikat" type), but cool enough, that is something that I have already been enjoying doing, only that I oversee it. And maybe, in the future, I maybe doing some other stuff still, but that role will be my guide on what path to take, socially and professionally.

Now, I'm not really saying this to brag, or maybe humiliate myself, but more of, if there is someone who has the same issues like this (which I do not know if it is something common or not), maybe it would help to start focusing on the things that He gave you, and the trainings that He's been giving you in life, for you to know what you really are going to pursue during your entire existence. I'm pretty sure you've heard of the teaching that our purpose in life is to give glory and praise to Him, but giving glory and praise is not limited to the ways of the "religious". That is one way, but don't forget that He is artistic enough to create different ways. As a matter of fact, He is setting us to be unique from one another. You can do that as a preacher, a teacher, a business man, a painter, or whatever. The only common denominator is, you do your role established on this 2 most important reasons: because you love your neighbor, and you love Him.

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