Tuesday, February 1, 2011

5mins after midnight

Who made me what I am today?

Whenever nostalgia hits me, I tend to ask myself a question, to which whenever I give an answer, it paints a smile on my face. The question is, “How did I become what I am today?”. It usually makes me imagine pictures of how well or bad I’ve done the past years; what were my achievements, if there was any, and my downfalls. And with all of those pictures in my mind, a face is created -- the face of the Person who clearly and patiently guided me through the best and the toughest times of my journey. He, no doubt, is the best person that I ever met. He loves unconditionally. And when I say unconditionally, that means even if I don’t give Him back the favor, He still does. He perfectly forgives, and never remembers. I have, unquestionably, done really bad things, but He never put that on my account. He provides for me even if I don’t deserve it. He taught me how to be patient and nice. He is beautiful, and wonderful, and powerful. He never let go even if most time it’s me who is pushing Him away. He just happened to be so loving and perfect. I am half empty because of all the horror that I’ve done, that’s a fact, but I wouldn’t even be half full if it’s not because of Him. By the way, His name is Jesus.

"Actually, that's all you need to live with. The knowledge of His love for you. Know each and every corners of His love and you'll know how to live life, Christian... :D"

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